Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm Engaged!

Okay, well not really; however, G graciously offered to marry me if I'm still pathetically single by the time I turn 30.

He actually brought it up. While I was lamenting that my youth was slipping slowly away from me and I would soon have to resort to dating in the 40 and older age bracket, probably fat balding men who would be the only ones happy to have me, he said we would make a deal.

"Well we'll have to make a deal. What age do you think would be the last resort age?"

"Hmm, well I guess it would have to be 35, seeing after that pregnancy starts to get a little more difficult."

"Well we should give a little time before then, cause you don't want to be in a rush at 35 to get pregnant." (Note: Children must be had because G is convinced his parents would be more inclined to help with the house purchasing if there is a grandchild in the picture and in the SD housing market any help you can get is crucial.)

"Okay, what about half-way, say 32. On my 32nd birthday we'll meet in Vegas. Oh that means you'll be 34."

"Wait! That's right I will be 34, I will be old, and I'm already going grey, maybe we should say when you are 30."

"30? Are you sure? That's not too far away, at the rate I'm going, there is a pretty good chance you could get stuck with me!"

"I wouldn't be stuck with you."

He so wants me.

So there you have it. On May 19th, 2009, G and I are eloping to Vegas. I was told to bring my Uhaul because I would have to immediately move to SD after.

I can live with that.

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