Friday, June 30, 2006

Hot Date?

I just had to ask to leave at 4:30, because I have to run home and shave my legs.

Hot date tonight?

Nope, not in the slightest. J made us last minute pedicure appointments for 5:30 and after I agreed to them I realized that I've been a little neglecting in the leg department. I know, its an atrocity, a girl should always be prepared, but the rate that my love life has been moving along lately, there just hasn't been just cause to keep it up.

So now I have to fly home, shave and fly back out again. I wonder how many times I will cut myself.

I also love how I justified this as a good excuse to leave a half-hour early. I'm just glad my boss didn't as me why.

UPDATE: Four times I cut myself. Stupid Venus disposable razors! This tiny nick on my leg kept bleeding during the pedicure and the girl kept giving me dirty looks, and I couldn't understand her and I couldn't stop the bleeding. I was so embarassed.

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