Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Telepathic Communication DOES Work

My Crush asked me out yesterday.

It was completely unexpected and I'm sure my face registered that kind of surprise. I had let the crush fall by the wayside, letting it go as a passing phase to quell the boredom of my job and focus on something else. That something else just happened to be a person. The camp ended and I didn't really expect to see him until the fall and even then that would be fleeting. He's only scheduled here once a week. So I let it go.

He came in yesterday, didn't say anything and went to his studio. A few minutes later he came down and asked me to turn the AC on in his room. (Yes, one of my duties at work is thermostat control. I know you're jealous.) So I grab my keys and go upstairs and of course he has to follow me up the stairs so I'm hyper conscious of my back and walking and just nervous all around. I turn the temperature down and and he reaches over me and turns it up a little. "Not too cold" He said. I blush and say I'm sorry and head back down, throwing a smile over my shoulder as I go.

So I think nothing of it. His students come in. One gives me a message to give him as he's leaving, but I figure I'm not going to get to see him before he goes, so I make a note to call him the next day. It would be a good excuse to make contact.

So I'm looking up my Cingular bill online and he's comes down stairs with his student. His student leaves and he goes over to his mail box. Which I find odd because he never looks in his mailbox and then comes over to the counter.

"Hey, what's going on?" Crush is starting the conversation!

"Not much, just getting ready to leave." I flash my winning smile.

"Have you moved to Cambridge yet?"

"Yes unfortunately." Then I start blabbing on about my move and my roommates and all the issues, where a voice in the back of my head is screaming. "Shut up! Shut up! No one cares!"

"Cool then we're neighbors now." He lives in Allston, which I don't think really makes us neighbors, but I'm interested to see where he's going with this conversation.

"I guess we are."

"Yah K and I would have to let you know when we're having a party or something."

"Actually I'm having a party on August 19th. You should come by." Smooth. "I could shoot you an email with all the details."

"Yah, I don't have your information." So I write my number and email on a sticky and give it to him.

He makes some comment about my email address. I had made it up in highschool, its way too late to change it now.

"So are you off now?" He asks, I figure he's just keeping up the small talk, but he's making no move to leave.

I give a weary smile. "Yah finally."

Then out of the blue.

"Do you want to grab some dinner or something?"

I hope he didn't register the complete look of shock in my eyes and I'm glad he couldn't read the thoughts flying through my head. I have to go to the bank, I have a weeks worth of groceries in the fridge at work, I haven' t been home in 5 days.

"Sure." Is all that came out.

"Okay, how should we do this?" I think he could see I was flustered and now I was afraid I had seemed too eager.

"Uhhh, .." Grasping for ideas. I'm very articulate in times like this. "I have to go to the bank!" I blurt.

"Okay well why don't we go home and I'll call you around 7." Oh, very sensible. I like this.

So we part. I'm really floored, I really didn't think my telepathic communications were going through. I don't think I've ever been asked out this way. Just face to face, somewhat out of the blue. I usually just develop these childish crushes and then get bored with them. This is the first time they've ever amounted to anything.

I called my mom on the way home, because I couldn't figure out how to shut off the rear windshield wiper and I mention that I have a date.

"Just don't sleep with him on the first date Katie" Yes this is my mother's first reaction to the news that I have a date.

"Oh Darn Mom! I WAS planning on getting pregnant tonight!" She laughs.

At least I amuse her.

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