Monday, August 21, 2006


"He's not what I expected from you." slurred J, Saturday night at our house warming party.

My Crush had decided to grace me with his presence, along with two of his friends.

I squinted over to where he was standing with them, keg cups squashed in their hands, looking decidedly out of place. I paused.

"What were you expecting?" I tilted my head to the side to better focus on J's response. The party around us was making conversation very difficult.

"I'm not sure. Bigger?"

"He's tall!" I exclaimed.

"Yah, not that way bigger, just," He makes a sweeping motion across his shoulders. "You know."

"Muscular?" My Crush is somewhat on the thin side, but not bean-pole thin in the least bit.

"I guess I expected more like G or D." Again with the sweeping motion. I was glad at that point his beer was in his other hand.

"Yes, and those worked out great."

"I just don't see it."

"Hmmm, we'll see." I squinted over again, uneasy at his presence. Given that in about a half an hour J was going to pass out on his open phone with a beer in his hand and his shoes on, I took that conversation with a grain of salt.

My Crush did stay for a while and then left me high and dry with his friends. Granted I suppose he could not disappear on his friends, but still I was bit put out and left feeling a little confused on whether or not I actually wanted to pursue this little flirtation any further. I'm trying to decide if My Crush is not interested or just that clue-less!

Hello Crush! Drunk, cute, deprived girl here! You don't leave. If you have to leave, to say, drop off your two friends, then you come back!

I doubt I made the best impression on his friends seeing as by the time they got there I was about 10 Beer pong games deep, my feet were filthy, my hair a tangled mess and I had changed into my grey Army t-shirt to compliment my beer pong partner's grey Navy t-shirt.

The party was fun though. I was worried about the whole idea of mostly people I didn't know in and out of my place, drinking and being drunk, but the party was mostly confined to the back yard. A set up a tent and tables and a grill, and it was actually very civilized.

Yet again more hard evidence that we are definitely getting old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He dragged his friends to a party where he knows no one and hung out- what makes you think he doesn't like you?