Thursday, August 24, 2006

B is for Boring

What a week!

Noting and I mean nothing has happened. My highlight was that I finally got to the gym in my new neighborhood. Of course I pulled a muscle and haven't been back since, but I've done the first time so that's over. Other than that I've basically just atrophied into a pool of lethargic goo.

In order to possibly insert some excitement into my otherwise boring existence this week, I have considered an invitation from Friend C to join her tonight at a bar in Cambridge. Innocent enough and I know you're thinking what's the big deal, just go to the bar. I agree, not a big deal, except, C is in Medical School and this is a Med school function.

This is C's second year in Med School so I've already been to several Med events and I have since decided I would rather rip off my fingernails than go to them. So the fact that I am considering going speaks VOLUMES for the type of week I'm having, or non-week, I should say.

Its not that the gatherings are bad, exactly. They are actually fun, or have the potential to be fun. They're always held at hip Boston bars or clubs, sometimes free food and drinks are involved, and there was the one I was dragged to around Christmas where this angry med student spit in the bartenders face and the proceeded to put his foot through a plate glass window. At least that was somewhat exciting for the moment.

Its the attendees of the parties that make them unbearable. They are all perfectly nice people individually, but together they become this frightening blob that can only talk about ONE THING. Before you know it you're surrounded by it and you can't escape, its suffocating you. You finally realize that you are drowning in a shallow pool of pretentious medical school speak. I can not blame them, for the most part it is their life, but its so boring to an outsider! I doubt they care about what anyone outside their exclusive circle thinks, but still. They have to be able to talk about something other than classes and school. They just can't relate to someone outside their circle.

I wonder how their bedside manner will be?

Its great when the ask me what year I am.

Med Student "What year are you?"

Me, "Oh I don't go here."

MS, "Oh," they are grasping for words, panic in their eyes. "What do you do?"

This is the best part! "I work in the arts, in non-profits." I smile my best smile and wait for it. By it I mean the blank stare. My profession could not bring me further from the world of a Med Student. I mean the majority of them are Type A, over achievers who have known they have wanted to be Doctors since they were small. Where as I am usually described as "not applying myself" (a fact I am aware of and completely at peace with.)

The conversation usually drops after that. Then I'm stuck wandering around, hoping not to look too much out of place, but never really succeeding. So I'm considering subjecting myself to this type of event, just to get out of the house.

I have been playing text tag with D about possibly getting together before he leaves Boston for good, but that's just producing a lot of empty promises. My Crush has been silent since the party, though I'm not surprised.

Confused yes, surprised, not so much.

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