Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Passion (Or Lack There-of)

Someone asked me last night what my passion was.

"Ummm, I don't have one?"

Even as I said it I felt ashamed! I barely know this person and they already think I'm less of a person for not having any goals. Granted this person's passion was Sales so I don't' know who he is to judge.

He also classified me as a "browser", (some sales term) someone who looks around but not ready to commit to buying anything and most likely won't, but was equating that to my personality. I am a pretty indecisive person so the description actually does fit me well, although I was a little offended by his generalization of my character.

I felt like yelling, "You don't know me!" While feeling equally embarrassed that he was in-fact pretty accurate. Needless to say, I will not be going out with him on Friday night as he asked, seeing it was my hesitation to accept which produced the whole "Browser" lecture. No one likes to be reminded of their faults.

I'm going to have to start making a list of acceptable of "passions" so I can answer that question in hopes that no one actually follows up on me.

You know, something other than my actual passions which entail, reading books I don't have to think about and are usually embarrassed to show people, reality TV, (yes I have the McPhever, no I did not vote, though my mom did) and seeing how long I can sleep on the weekend without having to get up and use the bathroom.

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