Thursday, June 29, 2006


For the past three days I have been in hell.

By hell I mean I've been at work with no phones, in coming or out coming, no internet /email access and no internal server (where most of my work is done).

The theory is that the building had been struck by lightning during the storm that was LAST Friday, and it fried all our internal connections including our LAN. All I know is that it was miserable, and then when our phones got back up it was even more miserable because all you could say was that we couldn't help them right now because we couldn't see anything.

Needless to say I was tearing my hair out, and very very close to throwing something at my assistant, but I refrained because she is working all day Monday thus allowing me a four day weekend. (yay!)

Lets see what I've been up to. Not much to be honest.

I've learned that I can't drink like I used to. This old girl has definitely lost a few steps in her drinking game. I played two nights of beer pong over the weekend, I can definitely still throw a mean ping pong ball, but its the drinking part that killed me. I had to stop after playing my last game with water, thus producing boo's from the crowd, the water was necessary as my throat and stomach teemed up on me shutting down to alcohol. At least they were looking out for me! After Friday night, I had to end even earlier on Saturday night. Pathetic.

Even more pathetic was finding myself at IHop at 1 o'clock in the morning when I REALLY wanted to be in bed, but that didn't stop me from inhaling the pancakes!

That's really it. I've been a slug all week. I'm blaming the humidity and lack of stimulation at work.

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