Thursday, June 08, 2006

Disaster or Fun?: Its A Waiting Game.

So there are two situation going on in my life right now that could either be great or disastrously bad.

1. I am flying out tonight to go to San Diego for five days. I am staying with G. I am nervous and I am excited, for several reason. One being the weather is absolutely atrocious! I can't wait to get out of New England for a few day. The other being my job is driving me insane these past few weeks. I've been busy, but busy with things that aren't really important and not fun to do and just aggravating.

I'm excited too, because this trip will be different. No pressure to figure out where the relationship is going, no unanswered questions and no doubts. There is just time for fun and enjoying each other's company. I can't wait to leave. I'm taking off at five. I'm leaving work at 2:30. The minutes are CRAWLING!

2. I'm moving. I live alone right now and I do love it and I love my apartment, but its sucking me dry. I just can't afford it anymore. I'm going to have three roommates, all boys. J, P, and A. It will be very interesting. We put in a application on Tuesday and we're just waiting to hear if it is accepted.

I've lived with guys before and it was a much more pleasant experience than living with girls. I'm pretty easy going so nothing really phases me, and I'm not type A so the general state of the apartment won't be an issue either. I'll just be glad to split rent and utilities four ways.

The two bad things are, my commute to work will be thirty minutes longer and I will be within three minute from a mall, WALKING.

All my money saved is doomed!

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