Monday, August 20, 2007

Gym Rat

I joined (re-joined?) a gym last week. Its in my new area and nicer than the one I had been going to for four years when I lived in Quincy and in Cambridge actually. It made sense while I a was still at my old job, but once I quit, the commute was ridiculous.

I haven't been to the gym in 3 months. Funny to say I've actually lost weight. I have a pretty good hike everyday to and from the T and those stairs in the Porter's square T station are no joke.

I was excited to join up and start a regular routine, but they have pissed me off. I just want to sign up and pay my dues and get going.

Never that simple.

The guy who signed me up was nice enough, I think he got the hing early on when he took me on my tour and I was pretty dismissive, saying I just wanted to pay and get it over with. I could find everything myself. Then they bring up the complementary personal training session. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I don't like superfluous touching, nor do I like being told what to do. It seems to me that personal training is the worse combination of the two. I also have tried a session once, being convinced by C to try it and I hated it. The trainer was pompous and had this superior attitude the WHOLE TIME!

It just made me cranky and complacent.

The guy at my new gym wouldn't take no for an answer!

I can be slacker in my own life, but I can't turn down a challenge. I've been competitive and athletic all my life, a trainer would just annoy me. I like to do things my own way, on my own time.

Ask my mom. She's got the home movies to prove it. Some say "free spirit", I believe she uses the term "holy terror" and/or "bitch".

So I cancelled for tonight. I feel horribly guilty, but I'll get over it. I wanted to start tonight at the gym, but now I feel like if I show up they might notice and hunt me down and ask my why I cancelled and then make me do push-ups or run, both equally horrible in my book.

I'm off to the gym tomorrow instead. Incognito!

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