Monday, May 07, 2007

The First Day

I suppose I won't get my first taste of unemployment until next week. I agreed to help a friend of my dad's in his law office for the week. It was money I couldn't pass up. The day actually flew by pretty quickly and helped me in my search for a career by allowing me to cross off law school.

I don't know how they (lawyers) do it! So many rules (well I suppose they're laws), copies of everything, legal speak, its tedious and confusing. Lucky for me I'm just there to type and answer the phone. There was a lot to do and it was interesting enough and routine. I've had enough experience in dealing with clients that that was not a problem.

There was one problem and I didn't know about it until lunch. Apparently someone had left a box of dead cats in the parking lot on the side of the building in which I was working. Yes, I said A. BOX. OF. DEAD. CATS. More than one.

I had gone to lunch with my dad and the temporary boss and the TB mentioned it in passing to my dad, joking that he hoped it wasn't a Sicilian threat and that he called animal control, but he didn't think they had come to collect them yet.

I stopped.

"I'm sorry did you say a box of dead cats?"

He confirmed that was what he said. I recoiled. I am a cat lover. (Shocking I know seeing that spinsterhood is in my near future.) The thought of a couple of dead cats in a box, just hanging out repulses me! Though I'm sure it would hopefully repulse anyone.

When we get back, sure enough there is a box, two feet from my car. How I didn't hit it on the way in, or even notice it on the way in is beyond me, but they were there. I couldn't help, but look as we walked back in and saw the poor fuzzy black head of one. My stomach turned and I hurried inside thinking of nice happy thoughts and went back to my typing, hereof and therein.

So other than the constant though of dead animals, the day was fine. Old work only called once, but I didn't answer. I don't think it has actually sunk in that I'm never going to back to the old job, but I think once it does, the sense of relief will be so overwhelming that I may pass out.

I can't wait!

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