Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mom's Home!

I stumbled into my apartment Tuesday night after being gone for five days. I was weighted down with clean laundry, an over-packed duffel bag, several plastic shopping bags full of groceries, and balancing a tin foil tray of eggplant parm all the while balancing dangerously on my heels. Two expectant faces turn towards me, not noticing my unstable state and they launch right into it.

P and A have obviously had a rough weekend and are ready to tattle on the bad seed.

"You need to be here more often!" Starts A, definitely the more vocal of the two. Lucky for them I am a good multi-tasker and a great listener. While he goes on and on about J, I am able to unload my self, put away my groceries and place the eggplant in the oven. All while making the appropriate "hmmms and oh reallys?" that are required of such a conversation.

Long story short. J is jealous that both P and A are getting regular, ahem, ladies attention. It would all be different if J was getting the same attention, but alas he is tragically hung up on a taken woman, and is annoyingly vocal about every aspect of their interaction. I have no sympathy on him, he brings it on himself and I have no respect for her because she teases him wickedly. She's basking in his attention and I don't have respect for women (girls) like her.

After being bombarded by A and P it calms down and I am allowed to unwind and eat something, but then J arrives home, and with a few jerky head motions I am sitting cross-legged on his plaid comforter waiting for it.

"You need to be here more often!!" He starts. Hmmm? Where have I heard this before. The fact that they value my presence so much is somewhat flattering and exhausting at the same time.

J then launches into a counter attack on P and A.

"C (A's lady) was here ALL weekend, and P and Legs were here too. I was miserable. A and I were supposed to hang out." J is all dejected. I try to reason with him and tell him he would be the same way if he had a significant other, and in fact he is rather pushy about being alone when Involved Work Girl (IWG) is around. As he insists that he would not be that way, I feel myself glaze over and I resort to the "mhmms" and "oh reallys" that got me through the previous conversation.

Its amazing how much those responses are all the they all need to feel like they've accomplished something and they feel better. I guess I can handle it if its all I have to do, but soon I feel these conversations are going to be repeating themselves and I may just crack one day.

The relief I felt when I was finally locked in my room was palpable!

(Started on Thursday 9/7, finished 9/10)

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