Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It Just Figures

Now that the crazy week is over, the debilitating headache is a distant but painful memory, I figure I can get back on track. I can start eating better, and more often, I can start going back to the gym and I can start to feel normal again.

I was completely ready for this new routine to start. Then I woke up with the mother of all colds.

Now all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep and the thought of food makes my stomach churn. Forget working out! I can't even breath through my nose and walking up stairs is giving me problems as the cold has started its decent into my chest and lung area.

I'm starting to get desperate though. I'm in a wedding two weeks from Saturday, and I'm wearing a strapless dress for the first time EVER. Being somewhat well endowed, I have shied away from the strapless dress, but seeing as the dress was not my choice I have to grin and bear it. The little Portuguese seamstress has promised me that she would fit the dress so I won't have to worry about anything, but I'm still very worried.

I had plans of toning my arms, getting back into my gym routine, but the past few weeks have worn me out so much that typing this is fatiguing me! Pathetic!

I told myself that I was going to go to the gym tonight, but of course half way to work I realized I forgot my gym clothes and of course I still have my gym membership next to my OLD apartment so the round trip to retrieve the forgotten clothes would be fruitless. I also think that doing the 45 minutes on the elliptical in heels may produce shin splints.

It was the though that counts.

The boys have been having their girls over lately, and of course they're all perfect. They come in and I'm sitting on the couch crosslegged, messy ponytail, and surrounded by tissues. I answer their greeting in a voice akin to a migrating goose, and burn with embarrassment.

I'm hoping this cold will run its course quickly and I can go back to feeling normal-ish, because I don't know if I've ever been completely normal. I'm just tired of feeling like a big blob of sick and tiredness!

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