Wednesday, October 11, 2006


This past weekend was one of the best weekends I've had in a very VERY long time.

Not only because it was four days long, but because I was able to witness and be a part of a very special event for a very special person in my life. The wedding was perfect. I know you're thinking "Really Kate? Perfect? Is there such a thing?" Maybe not, but for all intents and purposes, it was perfect. Maybe there was a little drama with the way the veil was sitting on the Bride's head and maybe there was the time that M stepped on the train of my dress and there was a ripping sound that made everyone within a ten foot radius stop and gasp. (No undies were seen! Damage was minimal). There was just nothing big that went wrong. You always hear horror stories of things that can go wrong at weddings, but nothing did and I know anyone looking back on this wedding will always remember it with a warm, fuzzy glow.

I'm so happy for GJ that everything went so well. Watching and helping her plan this wedding for the past year, I know how hard she worked to make it happen, right down to the smallest detail. Her attention to detail showed in every aspect of the event, from the preparation at the salon, (4 hours that flew by like nothing) to the pre-ceremony at the bride's parents house to the ride to the church and the ceremony itself.

I suppose I'm gushing, but it requires nothing less!

Some highlights.

Wearing my hair up for the first time EVER, and liking it!

All the bridesmaids wearing false eyelashes. SO much fun. K is a genius with make-up.

Wearing the strapless dress and only pulling at it about every 10 mins instead of 5.

Not chipping my manicure until Sunday! A HUGE accomplishment for me.

The cutest ring bearer ever being pushed down the aisle by his father.

K's gift of two baskets of butterflies, but they were too cold to fly so all the children had them all over themselves. They were in the brides veil and on her bouquet. They're going to have gorgeous pictures.

M ripping my dress during the cocktail hour.

The father of the bride presenting the couple with a "redneck windchime" that he made himself out of hubcaps.

K making everyone cry with her speech when she recited an ee cummings poem at the end. My napkin was streaked with mascara.

Getting my beer knocked out of my hand by the groom and a grooms man while they were chest bumping and taking a while to realize there was glass in my foot. A minor injury.

Walking to the local bar after the reception in our dresses, only to realize that my father had my ID. I tried to sneak in, but its hard to be incognito with a floor-length gown, and was forced to sit in the bouncers chair while waiting for my dad to bring my ID.

Reminding N (S's fiance) that the last time he was wasted he had licked the entire left side of my face.

Getting home at 2:30 AM exhausted and satisfied and happy.

I suppose I should throw in some lowlights, but they don't really have anything to do with the ceremony itself. Mostly they have to do with my dumb-ass roommates.

Sitting the ceremony and watching GJ and D say the vows and tear up and glow and realizing that there is no one in my life at this point and time that I could ever imagine going through something like that with.

A saying all night that he doesn't have a girlfriend and hooking up with K's old roommate J, then spending the rest of the weekend with C.

JT talking all night about how he's in love with his gf and how he will probably marry her, only to make-our with one of GJ and K's cousins at the bar.

J leaving early with out telling anyone, trying to talk to me about IWG to the point I had to yell at him to stop and tell him that it wasn't his night and him staring at his cell phone all night. I was embarrassed for him.

See, very few low lights. They just come from people's lack of character and inane stupidity.

It was just such a good time, I'm still comming down from it. Being at work really triggered at mini depression, but I suppose that's only natural with something you've been looking forward to for so long has come and gone.

I'm so happy for GJ and D and I hope they're enjoying their mini-moon on the Vineyard. I also realized how much I miss hanging out with K and I hope our busy schedules can mesh a little more. Maybe I'll have to schedule a facial! That will be an adventure!

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