Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back to the Blahs

The shiny newness has seem to fade a bit on my new job. Tomorrow will be a month that I have been here.

Don't start groaning. "Oh here we go again!"

Its definitely above and beyond what my old job was. It is better. Its just not spectacular. Oh I know most jobs aren't and that's why they call it "work" and all that bull, but I couldn't help desperately wishing for something more. No, I have no idea what that I more should be, I just believe its possible and exists somewhere. Like Santa Clause and painless stilettos. Somewhere, possible over the rainbow in never-never land a job with something more exists.

Yah, I'm talking gibberish.

For now the job is fine. I have a routine, I have work to do. I'm not the best at making friends, but I try to make conversation and be nice to people.

I've just been in the worst mood for the past two days for no reason what-so-ever and it makes me sullen and distracted. Not the best mood for productive friend making. So I've put it on the back burner.

Stupid back burner is getting way to crowded now that I've added friend-making to the list. D and moving have had to shove over a little bit.

I can't even get started on D, but I have given up. The stupid metaphorical ball is in his court now!

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