Friday, July 06, 2007

All The Help I Can Get

"I pray for you, you know." My mom is looking at me thoughtfully. I'm just trying to enjoy the sun, minding my own business.

"You do?"

I was raised Catholic. We went to church every Sunday, no matter what. I have since grown out of that habit and I know it is a disappointment to my mother that none of us no longer go to church except for Christmas. She has given up trying to drag me out of bed and making me go. Though as anyone raise Catholic knows, you can't shake it. It follows you around and you'll find yourself doing strange things, like muttering little prayers or blessing yourself for no reason. Where as I have said my own little prayers now and again, I feel after I have, that my membership has lapsed and I'm afraid they may send a penalty rather than answer my prayer.

My mom is a good Catholic though so with her praying for me I should have a good chance.

I squint at her over my book. "Why do you pray for me?"

"Well I pray for all of you." I'm assuming she mean my brothers and me, the fallen ones. "I pray for you to meet someone nice to spend your life with."

"Oh, well that's nice, obviously I need the help."

She laughs in agreement, I try not to feel annoyed. Then she looks pensive.

"I've just been worried though about my prayer." She does look concerned.

"Why would you be worried, its a prayer?" I don't really know where this is going, but then again I never know with these types of conversations.

"Well, when I pray for you to meet someone, I haven't actually been specifying that it should be a man. So I'm worried that now you may meet a woman!" She starts laughing.

I stare at her. "Are you really worried that you may be turning me into a lesbian? Thanks a lot mom! Don't I have a say?" I start laughing too.

The ridiculousness of the conversation hits both of us and we can't stop laughing.

"Well you know its probably time for me to stop being so picky. Man, woman, who cares!? Thanks for the prayer."

"Well you seem to need all the help you can get!"

More laughter.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, mom!

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