Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm a Good Girl! I Swear!

Work got a little tedious today so to break it up I shot off a text message to D. We have yet to set a date for our celebration, but much texting has been happening with no results.

So because I find myself so witty, I wrote: "So do you want to set a date to celebrate my six month anniversary?" Funny right? I was THAT bored.

He texts back in a little bit. It was very long, something about he was going to call me, he's going away from this date to that date and are we going to get together before then? I responded with my availability and he wrote back quickly. It was a little too quick and when I opened it, it was taking a little while to pop up.

Then it hit me: It was a picture. In the split second I was contemplating what it could be and there it was, with the message "I took this to show you last night." D in all his glory! (okay, no naughty bits.) and:




He looked GOOD! He did not look this good last year. I'm almost suspicious seeing that his head was not included, but only almost. He had a great body the last time I saw it, but this goes that next step. I've been thinking about posting it, but I feel I should respect D. I did giggle over it in my cube for about five minutes before I could write back. I was a little shocked and not at all disappointed.

I sent something back in the vein of: "D! I'm at work! V. nice though!"

He responds back, "hehe (I could hear the laugh as almost sinister) I though you would like that."

He's right.

I did.

A lot.

Do NOT judge me. Six months is a LONG TIME!

Tentative plans for tomorrow depending on when he gets off call or whatever that means.

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