Monday, June 04, 2007

Greener Grass

Well, the good news has arrived. I have a job.

The Big Important Boston Hospital has decided, after six weeks, that I am worthy enough to join their ranks. I enter the workforce again next Monday. Oooooo I'm NERVOUS!

Now that I have a job.... I don't want one! Back to the daily grind, no more Regis and Kelly and reading for six hours in the sun. All I wanted was to actually get the job, not start it!

Seriously though I am excited, I feel like this will be a good change for me. There is only on blip in the good news for me. I went to the interview at the Big Important Cambridge University and I LOVED the idea of the job, but then I was offered the Hospital job that afternoon and I was torn.

I made the decision that if the Hospital job offered me more than I was making at my last job, I would have no reason not to take it. If I was offered the Hospital job about 8 hour earlier, I would have said "YES!" on the spot. When I spoke to the Recruiter the next day, they were offering me more, with amazing benefits, so I really couldn't find a good reason NOT to take the job. I mean I had NO guarantee for University job and we all know what happened to Rory on Gilmore Girls when she gave up her Providence Journal Job to see if she got the New York Times Fellowship and then she didn't get it and ended up traveling around with Barack Obama's campaign. So there is a lesson learned, except I'm not as cute as Rory!

I have one week left of unemployment and I'm a little sad and more than a little anxious. The weather is gross today too. I hope it clears up so I can enjoy my last few days of freedom. Tomorrow I have to go in and meet with HR and the go to Occupational Health and my mom thinks I'm going to have to get a tetanus shot. Yippee....

I now have to inform D that he owes me lunch! That should be interesting!

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