Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Seriously, I'm Not Lying!

A day in my life. Just to prove how mundane its all gotten.

7:00 AM-My alarm goes off. I hit snooze, not believe that it is already 7:00 AM and I have to get up, even though I went to be at 10:30 and got more than my 8 hours of sleep.

7:09 AM-My alarm goes off again. I exhale a huge heaving sigh, shut alarm off, trip to door to grab robe and head to the bathroom.

7:25 AM- Out of shower, I gather up all extra toiletries, because after the shower I am a bathroom nomad. I never know where I'm going to end up. It might be my bathroom, the boys bathroom downstairs or J's room. Wherever there is a mirror to help me dry my hair. Oh the unknown is very exciting! (gag)

7:30 AM- Dressed and down to the kitchen, I grunt good morning to P. Yesterday he was in his undies, they were red. Not digging red undies on a boy. I have my 6 oz. of orange juice and avitamin, before drying hair, applying deodorant, (when I remember) and brush my teeth.

I try to get out of the door by 7:53, so I can make the light down by the mall by 7:56, and get into the Tip O'Neill Tunnel by 8:00.

(Okay, writing all this down is very depressing knowing that my morning is that structured.)

On my way to work, its Billy's news at 8:03, and then the entertainment report at 8:15.

I'm pretty good at getting to work by 8:30. Then its to my desk, dodging preschool moms on the way. Then into the kitchen to make my coffee and oatmeal and then pretty much tool around all morning.

11:00ish-snack. Typically a banana and a yogurt smoothie.


4:30- I can leave and usually make my way to the gym. At the gym, no matter what time I go I see the same people. It's bizarre.

Hop on the cardio machine for 35-45 minutes depending on my mood. I used to watch TV, but now I just listen to my horribly outdated Ipod. The 6 TV stations with just news or sports on them bore me. I like to know what's going on, but my quickest workout was when, for some reason, one of the TV's had MTV on and was playing Parental Control.

Although the past two days one of the TV's had Lifetime on, which makes me believe that finally the women have complained enough about the ESPN and the ESPN news. Not that I don't like a little PTI now and then, but 4 out of 6 TV's is a tad excessive.

I leave the gym usually between 6:00-6:30 and am home by 6:30-7:00.

Shower, make dinner, and watch TV. And usually into bed by 10:30-11.


I mean obviously there are little variations to each day. Monday night saw A and I trying to talk some sense into a distraught J. He was distraught over WG, it was crazy and I kept t trying to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen to us.

Last night was A and I discussing how crazy J is over WG and how when on Monday night WG showed up at the apartment, J was like a puppy dog with the earlier display of despair and tears, (I can't even tell you how uncomfortable THAT made me. I can't handle girl tears, forget about boy tears, sheesh!) forgotten.

There are also mornings when I wake up and see all three of their significant others and realize that I am the ONLY one in the apartment who didn't get laid the night before.

Ah, C'est La Vie.

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