Thursday, January 17, 2008


My living situation is... well.. okay. That's about how much I can give it. I like my room and the location, but that's about it.

I can tolerate my roommates, but lately I've been avoiding the common areas.

On roommate is a hermit and communicates by notes and emails and the other one is nice enough, but a "one upper".

If I'm making dinner, he has made something so much better using the same ingredients. If i fell down the stairs he did a full front flip down them. You get my drift.

Then there was this gem.

His chopsticks broke in the dishwasher and I had placed them on the counter so he would see them. He saw them and I told him what happened.

"Oh yah they broke in the dishwasher, I just wanted to make sure you saw them."

"Oh no problem. I'll just kick your ass later!" He laughed, I laughed, I knew he was joking.

"Don't worry I'm a tough bitch!"

He deadpans me, "For some reason I don't doubt that!" and smiles condescendingly.

I'm slightly taken aback. "You mean you don't think I'm dainty and feminine!" I'm trying to joke, but still I've chased the cloud of being a sturdy, athletic girl all my life.

He just laughs and mimics me in a whiny voice.

"Its not my fault I was brought up between two boys and have been competitive all my life!" I exclaim and then I stop and think. What am I doing? Why am I making excuses?

I'm not dainty, but I sure as hell am feminine. I don't think anyone would mistake my body for a boys, but I am sturdy. It comes with being independent and able to take care of yourself. I'm the one who lifts things for me and shovels out my car. I'm the one who carries all my groceries or bags. I'm the one who fixes anything of mine that needs fixing.

Its me. I do it all. I have to and if that makes me "un-feminine" so be it. I never been a whiny, simpering, helpless girl.

It probably stems from our trip together to Target (heaven) when after we checked out I gathered up all my bags and half of his out of habit, prompting him to exclaim, "Kate! You're making me look bad."

It could also be because he's probably 130 lbs soaking wet, wears the dark frame glasses trying to look hip and trendy, but in reality has probably been either turned down or tormented by girls like me his whole life.

And yah, I could totally kick his ass.


Adrian said...

wow.. posts 2 days in a row? what did you do with the real Kate? :p

you have roommates? I thought the last time you moved you moved out on your own.. I need to flip back through the archives.

Kate said...

I finally have a moment to breath at work!

And I missed my blog.

I wish I had moved in on my own. Maybe the next move!