Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Brief Reprieve.

I just came back to my desk, sat down and reached for the next thing to do. My hand clutched air and I realized: I have nothing to do. I'm not quite sure how long that will last, but for now I will relish it.

Not that I have a ton to write about, but I can't believe how long it has been since I have written. Texas was the perfect get-away and I felt a little refreshed when I returned. It was just nice to not have to get up and ride the T for a few days.

I did get (and still have) my first cold of the season, complete with a huge cold sore. Lovely. It has put any thoughts of D out of my head for this week, even though we did discuss getting together this week. Oh well! Its been almost a month since we've last hung out? Something like that. I suppose I could figure it out if i was so inclined, but I'm not.

So I guess that's where I am. Stuffy, baseball obsessed and trying to get through the work week. I'm also enjoying fall, but have yet to give up my flip flops, red toes be damned! I'm going to try to make it until November this year, or until my new Uggs come. I've been in a spending frenzy lately, and I'm starting to get knots in my stomach about credit card bills. I'm not sure why. I might as well spend my money, I don't know what I'm saving for?

I'm still in contact with G. Somehow through all this I have become his break-up buddy. Its very ironic to me, but I realized something through the whole J/WG and now G debacle. Guys just go for girls with issues. I'm not sure if they like the drama or feel they can "save" them and offer them a better life, its beyond me. I've also realized that while I'm not THE biggest fan of being alone, I can be; and I think that is something of which to be proud.

I don't feel the need to cling to whatever is thrown my way only to drop that when the next eligible thing comes along. These girls who flit from guy to guy, while stringing them all along, are a mystery to me. Why can't they just be happy on their own, letting a guy compliment their lives, rather than complete or consume it?

Whereas of course I would like to find someone to share my life with, (the key word share folks) I know if I don't, I will be okay. So many people are so petrified to be alone that they sabotage what happiness they have within themselves and who they are in order to not be alone.

Besides, its so much easier to only have to make yourself happy. I'm very easy to please: A good book, a glass of wine and some good food, makes for a happy Kate.

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