Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Holy S*&*%

I gave my notice yesterday.

I don't think it has quite sunk in yet, but my last day will be May 4th. No, I don't have another job.

This all transpired on Friday when i was called into my supervisors office at 4:45. After a long schpele about communication and where the important time is and when they need me there she broke the news that they wished to move me to the 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM time slot.

That means not only did they want me to have crappy hours, but they wanted to cut me to part time thus cutting my pay. Now I may have some savings, but I don't really have enough to be able to work part time.

I told her I didn't think I could do it. I was fighting the urge to not tear up and I told her I would think about it over the weekend. I cried all the way home, and seeing it was Easter Weekend, that was all of the hour and ten minutes it took to get to my parents house.

Lucky for me my Dad had the foresight to leave me a glass of wine on the kitchen table.

I knew it was the last straw and I also knew it would be a good opportunity to get out. I went in yesterday morning and had a long talk with my supervisor and let her know that I would be giving my notice. I told her I thought it would be positive for everyone and that it was time for me to move on. She even confessed that as much as the Registrar's position may be evolving, it would never get to the level that I would be looking for or what I'm capable of.

So there you have it. Its been almost four years, but I'm excited for a new start. Scared out of my mind, but excited nonetheless. I'm sad and its going to be hard to say goodbye to everyone, but its just one of those things that comes with that damn growing up stuff they keep forcing on me.

I emailed G this morning. I want to tell him seeing as he heard me whine about it for so long, I want him to know I'm being proactive and changing. I want to be his friend. If he doesn't write back, so be it. It was his decision.

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