Friday, February 16, 2007

Once Bitten, Twice Shy? Probably a Good Idea!

The other day I was having an innocent conversation with My (former) Crush's roommate, who also works with me.

We were discussing the impending storm and our reluctance to drive in it and a optimism that there would be no work the next day. (HA! Wishful thinking)

In the middle of our begnine conversation the most random thought popped into my head.

"He totally knows I'm a biter."

To have that kind of though pop into your head during a conversation as mundane as the one that we were having is not easy to cover up. I mean seriously, I have no reason to be blushing over the weather.

So I bite sometimes while hooking up. I'm not vicious, I don't leave marks and it doesn't hurt, but for some reason I got this premonition that My (former) Crush may have kissed (bit) and told. (Yes there was some return nibbling). I was slightly embarrassed seeing that I don't know this roommate very well and he is privy to some private information on me.

Oh well! Haven't had any complaints before.

Though I did leave a vicious mark on G the first time we hooked up. The kind of mark that prompted the shocked indignant response, "I did NOT do that!"

He just grinned, I think he took it as a compliment, as well he should have!

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