Thursday, January 18, 2007


My phone rang in the middle of the night last night, (okay so it was only 11:45, but it FELT like the middle of the night, as I had already been asleep for some time). I reached for it, somewhat confused, somewhat excited because random, middle of the night phone calls usually produce something interesting.

It was M, not so interesting. We had actually talked briefly earlier that night and he said he would call me back in an hour, he forgot and for some reason though that instead of calling the next day and apologizing, he would call at 11:45.

Doesn't he know I'm old?

So of course now that I'm woken up I have to use the bathroom, so I struggle out of bed and head towards it. J is in my (our) bathroom brushing his teeth, so I keep on going to the bottom floor, there are two steps to go and all of a sudden I'm on the kitchen floor.

I had missed the last two steps and fell straight down into a pile of fleece bathrobe and limbs. Because I was still half asleep I'm still not quite sure what happened, and then I finally comprehend that I'm on the kitchen floor because I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!

I look around, because for some reason I feel like P and Legs witnessed my acrobatic manouver, but the whole area is dark so I stumble into the bathroom.

This whole time I'm still on the phone with M. He's still talking. He has talked through my tumble and has continued.

All of sudden he stops. "What are you doing? Did you stub your toe?"

"Umm something like that?"

If me falling down the stairs literally into a heap at the foot of them sounds like someone stubbing their toe, than I must be a more graceful klutz than I thought I was. I could have sworn I sounded like a heard of elephants. I was expecting someone to see if I was okay, but I was left to pick myself up. The floor was VERY cold!

This morning there were no visible bruises, but we'll see.

P.S. This post is dedicated to my friend S, who gets endless pleasure out of seeing me fall on my ass!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I am dying right now:-) I love it!!!

Kate said...

Yes I love how every time I fall down I think of you! hahaha!