Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You Know You Want My Living Situation

Because I'm lacking energy to try and be witty and comprehensive about my weekend, I'll just post this for now.

J sent this gem yesterday. Notice the subtle calling out of A.

Hey guys:>

So here's the thing....our heat bill sucks. P and A, I know I've bitched and moaned about keeping the heat low, but we HAVE to work harder at this (A). We've had a pretty easy winter so far, but it's going to get frigid before the end. This weekend, we should take one day as roommates and maybe get that plastic wrap or something. We gotta do something. I don't know if that would help, but do you guys have any other ideas?

To which A responded:

I think it goes without saying that when it gets cold you use more heating fuel. You're right that it has been a relatively mild winter, hence a lower heating bill. And I agree that when we're not home we should turn the heat down to 55-60 but I don't think 65-70 is unreasonable when we're home (which is what I have it set at). If you want to conserve you might want to consider taking the a/c's out of the windows which is where most of the heat is lost, especially when your running the fan all day. If you really want to save money you should look at cutting back on the cable bill. I'd rather pay more for heat and be comfortable than all the extras for tv that I dont use. Sorry but just because I'm still in college does'nt mean I want to live in a frat house freezing my balls off all winter!!!

Your Loving Friend,

(Typo's and spelling errors left in tact.)

Hmmmm? I wonder what is zapping my energy?

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