Monday, November 27, 2006

Out of Semi-Hibernation

I've been trapped in a self-induced semi-hibernation over the past week, including the Thanksgiving Holiday. For some reason, that I'm still not sure of, I had from Tuesday of last week till yesterday off. It was great, but not being used to such a long period of time off, I really had no idea what to do with myself.

Because of this, my body shut down into a state of hibernation. It was some what of a comatose state, but I could walk and talk and unfortunately eat and eat and eat. I think from Wednesday night until Saturday night, I had left my house for a total of 2 hours. I watched a lot of What Not To Wear and drove my mother crazy.

Today I have emerged from my self imposed exile. I'm actually looking forward to going to the gym tonight. I feel like a sloth.

I'm ready to be normal again and get into a routine.

I've also been thinking about what I've been writing lately and how lacking it has been in the past two-three months. I've had things on my mind that were really not blog worthy, and thus couldn't really find any worth while content to write about. Trust me, my health issues are not riveting reading, and me getting back on track in the gym and eating better are also B-O-R-I-N-G.

That's what I have been focusing on in the past couple of weeks, (excluding last week, unfortunately).

I want to write more and I want to write better. It may take me awhile to get back into the swing of things, but g-damn it, I'm going to try!

That being said, I went to the dentist last week for the first time in 5 and half years. Yes, YEARS! I'm horribly embarrassed about this fact, but its a fact that I must be honest about. In my defense I have not had dental insurance in 3 years. My parents have been offering to pay for a cleaning for a while so I finally took them up on the offer.

My dentist is my next door neighbor. We (my family) even call her Dr. {First Name}. In the summers we could hear her drills through our open windows.

Knowing her on a personal level makes it all the more embarrassing.

The hygienist was new and around my age. Where as all the other hygienists know me as Katie and since I was 4, this was a little different.

Things change from when you were 22 to when you are 27.

Questions like "What are you doing after you graduate?" are replaced with, "Are you married?" and "Do you have any children?" I just managed to stop my self from saying "Good God no!" and was able to go with a muffled "No, I'm not." I supposed they never realize that its impossible to speak with a large vacuum in your mouth.

I'm not quite sure what the poor hygienist was expecting, seeing as her first comment upon viewing my pearly whites, (with minimal coffee staining) was, "Well! They're not as bad as I thought they would be!"

So now my dental clock has been set back to zero, I have no cavities, and I may have to get my wisdom teeth out. Well I know I'm supposed to get them out, I was supposed to get them out 10 years ago. Now its about whether or not I can afford to. Fun Fun Fun!

We'll call this a warm up post. Hopefully I an drag something slightly more interesting out of my life in the following weeks.

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