Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Nothing too exciting in the life of Kate at this moment.

Just detoxing from the looong weekend. I ate too much and exercised too little, but what's new. Labor Day weekend is when my hometown has their Portuguese Feast which in turn had me eating Malasadas, which is their version of fried dough, but better. I had one the size of my face, almost too hot to hold and covered in sugar. Seriously, I had it Sunday night and I'm still digesting it. Then I went back the next day for cacoila sandwiches, the Portugues version of pulled pork, but again, better. Good lord, once a year, and that's it. I can't really deprive myself of them if its only once a year.

Food consumed also included lobster, 6.99 a lb is nothing to joke about, fresh corn or "truck corn" as we call it, from the local farm and a family style Italian dinner followed by an evening of Greyhound racing.

I hate to admit that I enjoy "going to the dogs", but again, to do it once a year can't be all bad? All in moderation and I won $34 dollars.

Now its back to buisness and hopefully I'll make it to the gym tonight. I was deterred last night by a marathon texting session with D. We should be getting together tomorrow night, but again, all is subject to change.

Fall is approaching and I'm more than happy to see it on the horizon. I even got goose bumps when I went to get lunch today because it was chilly and I didn't have a coat and I've already had my first Pumpkin Latte of the season, and that only cost me 4.25. Sheesh, it might have been my one and only!

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