Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No, I'm Not Kidding

So work is still pretty slow. I have my daily duties and a few things in between, but other than that I'm pretty much left to my own devices. Which is good and bad. I have turned to the good ol' Anne of Green Gables series for my literary distraction and dirty texting to D for carnal distraction.

Yesterday I was minding my own business, swapping texts with a frisky D when a most unexpected email pops into my inbox, from G.

Now if you having been keeping track, I've heard from G ONCE since this email in March. I've sent him a few tongue and cheek emails since then, expecting no results. I was pretty shocked to see it, and my heart started to race a little. I was a little mad that it did. I guess I'm always expecting negative news when it comes to stuff like that.

So I open the email, and the first paragraph is pretty standard. I've been meaning to write, but forget. (again flattery will get you everywhere) I'm in Sacramento, rent is cheap, I start work tomorrow, blah blah blah.

Then the second paragraph: (copied)

I hate doing this but to tell you the truth you are the only other girl friend I have. So my last girlfriend lives here also, the last one from San Diego. She had her ex-boyfriend visit this weekend and so they spent the weekend together and he stayed at her place. Now her and I are still kind of intimate, by the way sorry for the details, kind of like you and I were after we broke up but I found a pair of his underwear mixed in with her laundry and I wanted an honest opinion from a girls perspective. Is it totally benign that his underwear is mixed in with her laundry or should I definitely wonder if something went on that she is not telling me. I mean if you had a guy friend stay with you would there be any reason that there underwear would be there? You know me my worst fear is someone cheating, although technically not cheating since we are not together but we promised we would say something if we were intimate with someone else. So can you give me your honest opinion of what the chance is that I should be suspicious at all? Again sorry for putting this on you, I know it might be awkward but I trust your opinion. I hope everything is well and you are happy.


My jaw literally hit the top of my key board. Then I laughed out loud!

I composed myself and started my response. I just said I was glad that he had written and that I'm so much happier now that we're not dragging out our relationship or lack thereof and that if it makes him feel better about writing to me about the girl he is sleeping with, I'm sleeping with someone too.

In the second paragraph I resist writing what I really want to write in response to his dilemma, which is: "Hell yes she slept with him!"

I try to be a little more diplomatic. Saying that if she promised to tell him if she was intimate with other people then he should respect that she would be truthful with him and that he should go with his gut.

I also pointed out that if this is bothering him that much then maybe this isn't the best situation for him. If he's that stressed about someone he has no claim over then he should mention it to her and either discuss maybe not seeing other people or ending in completely.

I also told him that if my ex were visiting and we were not sleeping together AND he left his underwear in my apartment, I would have thrown it out, not washed it. ICK!

I feel I wrote a good response. Dare I say mature? It just made me realized how exhausting it was to be with G sometimes. His insecurities ( not that I am with out any) were so great and overwhelming at times. I could never make him see how great he really was as a person and as a partner whether emotionally or physically. I can almost feel how much that lone pair of underwear must be driving him crazy.

I almost feel sorry for him.

In response to the fact that I'm sleeping with someone else he remarked: "Well it is good to hear you found somebody else, but no it does not make me feel better per se, but I am happy if you are happy"

Not quite sure what to make of that...

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