Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My New Career

I seriously must have "therapist" stamped on my forehead.

For some reason, J thinks its okay to pour his heart out to me about his relationship (or lack there of) with WG. Its been pretty constant for about 5 days now, and I don't think I can take much more. Fortunately, this is my last day of work until the New Year and I'm heading down to hide out at my parents house, so I may be able to avoid it.

Friday, I managed to avoid most of it by having dinner with C and then going to see the Holiday. J had called while I was in the movie. His response when I walked in the door was.

"Thanks for the call back!"

I stared at him for a moment, blinked a few times and went into the kitchen.

"Where were you?" He called after me.

"I was at a goddamn movie." The interrogation was getting to me. I had to work the next day, but I sat and tried to have a conversation with P, Legs and J. When the conversation turned into a J sob fest, I had to retired.

" I have to work tomorrow, I'm heading to bed."

J can't stand to be out shone. "Well try having to study all weekend for a test you have no idea about."

I sighed and threw him a disgusted look. "Yes J I realize that your life is SO hard and SO miserable. You win! Goodnight!"

Later P told me that Legs got a kick out of the way I dealt with J. Its the ONLY way to deal with him. If you give him an inch, he'll take a mile.

Saturday had me nodding constantly over dinner as he went on and on and on about this relationship. I told him my opinions about WG. I believe her to be self-centered, snobby, not very attractive, and mean, not to mention having a very high, unfounded opinion of herself. She hooked up with her ex boyfriend, which sent J into a tailspin of emotions, resulting in tears. There really isn't anything much more uncomfortable that a guy crying.

All I know is after seeing M cry, I was never fully attracted to him again.

Sunday he walked in all red faced. I asked him what was wrong and he dissolved into tears. I do the best I can, but I can't understand all this for a sub-par girl.

I asked him point-blank to tell me ten things that make this girl worthy of such a display of emotions. He didn't really know.

"She's just great."


"I don't know, she just is."

"You have no reasons? If you cannot write me ten reasons then you have no reason to be acting this way." I'm starting to get mean.

"Okay, fine." He picks up the pen and starts to write.

"Sex doesn't count." The writing abruptly stops and he drops the pen.

I don't know Kate."

He kept wanting hugs, and at one point I was trying to watch "Love Actually" to get in the Christmas mood, and he kept coming down from studying and talking AT me, and at one point he sat on the ottoman at the end of the couch I was sprawled on and hugged my feet.

I hate to be touched, I'm not a huggy, touchy feely person. Not to mention someone touching, actually hugging my feet. It was just awkward. I'm trying to be nice and there for him, but its exhausting, especially when the girl is NOT WORTH IT!

It was when he started going into his abandonment issues, and his issues with his mother and what a bad parent she was and all when I checked out. I can't handle all his issues that are stemming from an unhealthy relationship that I warned him about in the beginning.

There's something we must all remember. Excluding her OWN relationships, Kate is usually right!

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