Thursday, September 28, 2006

What's in a Greeting?

My job is ridiculous. I just received an email from my immediate supervisor. It was sent to all the staff in the office:


Starting now would you please answer the phones saying "Registrar's office, (your name) speaking." We can no longer answer with just our names.

Your Supervisor

The funny thing is that when I first started in the den of despair, I was told to answer with just my name. In fact, at first, being unsure of how to greet the clients that called in, I would say, Registrar's Office, until my supervisor, whose position was then what my position is now, told me I could just use my name.

Its really not a big deal, it just struck me as trivial. Now I feel silly answering the phone, while before I felt buisness-like, brisk and efficient. Now I sound all sing-song and stupid.

I responed kiddingly to the email saying it would be hard, but I would try my best. I was trying to be humorous, but in the past year or so, my supervisor has become a little more serious.

The response was "Okay, please do try... maybe a stick up note on your computer to remind you..."

I give up. Will the world end if I answer the phone incorrectly?

So now, purely for my own amusment, there is a long piece of masking tape across my keyboard with the words: "Registrar's Office, Kate speaking!" I get a huge kick out of it everytime I look at it.

Ironically enough, I probably need the reminder. I think this morning alone I'm 1 for 10 on phone calls, using that greeting.

Topic Change!

My Crush came in this morning for a staff meeting.

Damn him for looking very fuckable!

Also, damn him for talking to me like we never made out!

Damn them all!

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